The Massey Foundation pursues Truth, Faith and Liberty by fostering the liberal arts and classic studies through Massey Minds and the Spirit of Charity through Massey Missions.
In Recognition of Jan Massey
The Massey Foundation is a public charitable foundation made possible by the estate of Barbara Jan Massey in honor of her parents, Reid and Elva Massey and her brother Charles Massey.
Foundation Structure
The Massey Foundation is governed by a 5 member Board of Directors who meet on a regular basis to maintain the integrity of the Massey Foundation By-Laws and Foundational Purpose. Members of the Board may be reached by e-mail:
Massey Minds hosts special events that promote the principles of Massey Minds. These special events are suggested by the Board and a special advisory board to Massey Minds.
Massey Missions coordinates resources that assist others in need. The resources are conveyed to those qualified and in need on a regular basis. A citizen's committee meet with a Board member of the Massey Foundation to distribute the resources.